法英 他会失去他的语作朋友,钱也可以伤害我们。对钱另一方面,法英他可以全世界旅游参观很多有趣的语作地方。例如,对钱快乐和友谊,法英小堂资成品账号Money i regarded by ome people a the mot importent thing in life. It i even regarded a the ymbol of wealth and 语作ocial poition. For example, with plenty of money a man can do whatever he want to. He can afford expenive car and luxuriou houe, and he can travel around the world and viit a many intereting place a he want to. In their eye, money i everything in life.
In my opinion, money can both benefit people and do harm to them. On the one hand, we can't deny that money i ueful. We need money to buy food, buy a houe or pay our education cot. Money can make u live more comfortably. For example, with more money, we can help other and take part in more ocial activitie and receive a good education, thu increaing our knowledge and developing our kill. On the other hand, ome people try to get money by dihonet mean, for example, they often cheat and gemble, even rob and kill people. Sooner or later, they will be punihed by the law. Money can bring them nothing but miery.
In addition, money can not buy everything, For intance, no matter how much money one hat he can not buy good health, happine or friendhip, Although money i ueful in many way, there are till a lot of thing that money can't buy in the world. In addition, money can alo do harm to u. If a peron really think of money a everything and pay hi attention only to money, he will loe hi friend, or even the care and warmth from hi family. Thu, it bring him only loneline.
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